Privacy Policy

Privacy policy for magazine subscription

At Vet Helpline India Pvt Ltd – the publisher of the VetHelpline e-magazine has adopted a set of information management guidelines that serve as the basis for our relationships with subscribers. These guidelines have been developed with the recognition that Internet technologies are rapidly evolving and that underlying business models are still not established. Accordingly, guidelines are subject to change. If the changes represent a material departure from our current practices with respect to the use of personal information, the changes will be posted on this page thirty days prior to taking effect.

Most importantly, we understand and appreciate how much you care about using and sharing your personal information. So we take your privacy very seriously. We guarantee that personal information about users will not be provided to any third party without their consent.

We will use information collected as part of the subscription process at an individual level to manage the subscription account and at an aggregate level only to tailor the offerings.

We use third-party payment service providers to process the payment of subscriptions and other fees. We do not store any user payment data. The third-party payment service providers will be visible to you while making the payment, and you may choose the one you prefer out of the options available.

We perform statistical analyses of subscriber data to understand subscriber profile and geographical spread and prioritize the magazine content. The publisher may also use subscription data to network with or to offer consulting opportunities to select subscribers who have indicated their preference for the same.

Using the email addresses and mobile numbers provided at subscription, we construct an electronic list to inform subscribers about new content and occasional service information-related emails. For example, we may contact subscribers regarding account status, changes to the subscriber agreement, and confirm subscription via email. The email addresses that subscribers supply to use this service will not be used for any other purpose without their consent. We do not sell, rent or share our mailing list.

An encrypted password protects your account. We keep it secure, and you must also keep it safe. In addition, our employees may not access your account unless required to do a specific job.

We will immediately remove your subscriber information from our database, canceling the subscription upon request. We will also correct personal details/email addresses on request.

We reserve the right to change our policy to address new issues and reflect changes on our site.

For any questions on privacy policy, you can write to us at