
Starting a Dairy Farm in India



Late Dr P A Deore [ Author and former leading Veterinary practitioner of Pune, India ]
Editorial Team [ VetHelpline E-magazine info@vethelplineindia.co.in ]


This article was initially prepared by the Late Dr. P A Deore. Most of the information about dairy farming for prospective Indian entrepreneurs is available in this article. We have added some highly valued tips from experts. You can download bankable project reports and learn about legal requirements and details of government assistance schemes. The project report will give you an idea of the initial capital requirement and income from a dairy farm-based enterprise.


Dairy Farm of Mr. Kumkule, Wajegoan, Maharashtra, India

How safe is the dairy business?

Dairy farming is a safe business for the following reasons:

  • It is eco-friendly and does not cause environmental pollution as compared to other industries.
  • The requirement for skilled labor is relatively less.
  • The dairy product market is active round the year.
  • The minimum investment on inventory. (No need to stock raw materials in huge quantities.)
  • The entire establishment can be shifted to a new location (if the need arises e.g. Fire, Floods, etc.)
  • One can insure animals.
  • Less energy requ